
Gas Safety Week

It is an exciting time for us at Avid Heating, as it is that time of the year when our expertise is lauded, and we are on hand to ensure that you are ‘Gas Safe’. 

Very few things excite us as much and as our entire profession revolves around heat, plumbing, and gas – we are proudly supporting Gas Safety Week 2021 which will be taking place from the 13th to the 19th of September this year. 

The theme for this year’s Gas Safety Week is ‘keeping communities safe’. As we look towards the winter and people start using their gas appliances more frequently, we’re encouraging the public to keep themselves, their friends, relatives, and neighbours safe. We’re reminding everyone that there really are no good excuses for not having your annual gas safety check from a Gas Safe registered engineer.

As the days pass, and we edge ever closer to Gas Safety Week, you may receive various notifications, emails, and marketing material either associated with or in line with gas safety. 

We highly recommend that you do not ignore these messages or make excuses to delay your gas safety checks as you could put yourself and your loved ones in danger. 

Did you know that a quarter of UK homes have dangerous appliances? Read more here.


What is Gas Safety Week? 

Gas Safety Week is an annual safety week to raise awareness of gas safety and the importance of taking care of your gas appliances. It is coordinated by Gas Safe Register, the official list of gas engineers who are legally allowed to work on gas. 

Awareness of gas safety includes and is not limited to servicing your gas appliances. You should know that badly fitted and poorly serviced gas appliances can cause gas leaks, fires, explosions, and carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Carbon monoxide is a highly poisonous gas that can kill quickly and without warning, as you cannot see it, taste it, or smell it.

In addition to servicing, it is highly important to constantly check your appliances and connections for any signs of gas leaks. 

If you’ve been feeling fatigued and nauseous, accompanied by headaches and dizziness, there is a chance that you could be affected by a gas leak. Gas leaks affect the amount of oxygen available in your home or office and can make breathing difficult for you, leading to these symptoms. 


Gas Safe Checklist

Here is a quick checklist to ensure you and your engineer are gas safe: 

  • Check your gas appliances every year. Gas appliances should be safety checked once a year and serviced regularly by a Gas Safe registered engineer. Tenants should be aware that it’s their landlord’s responsibility to arrange this. A free email and/or text reminder can be set up at


  • Check that your engineer is Gas Safe registered and qualified for the type of work that needs doing. You can check the status of your engineer on the Gas Safe Register website and the back of the engineer’s Gas Safe ID card. Be sure to ask for such identification. 


  • Check for warning signs that could indicate that your appliances are not working correctly. Signs may include lazy yellow or orange flames instead of crisp blue ones, black marks on or around the appliance, a pilot light that keeps going out, and too much condensation in the room.


  • Check that you know the six main symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning – headaches, dizziness, breathlessness, nausea, collapse, and loss of consciousness.


  • Install an audible carbon monoxide alarm. Alarms should be marked EN50291 and display the British Standards Kitemark. 


While this may seem inconvenient, and it can be, it helps to know that being gas safe is in your best interests. 

In a few short weeks, we will begin to feel the chill of winter set in, and it is best to prepare now. In addition to being gas safe, it is the best time of year to get your boilers serviced and have general maintenance done on all your gas products and appliances. 

We at Avid Heating are Gas Safe registered engineers that can service all your gas appliances, do the necessary inspections, and provide you with the certificates you need to give you the peace of mind you deserve in knowing that you are gas safe.